About Us
“A New You” is an engaging TV talkback show delving into transformative journeys of individuals who have navigated the challenges of brain injury or a Neurological condition to discover their new way of life.
These inspiring stories and compelling insights feature heartfelt accounts from those who have triumphed over adversity. The show also sparks conversations with seasoned professionals in the field, offering expert commentary on advancements in brain injury rehabilitation and fostering discussions on the evolving landscape of this vital process.

Every story in A New You is testament to resilience and every discussion points towards a brighter future in recovery from brain injury or negotiating a Neurological condition.
We are offering you a unique opportunity to get quality exposure for your brand on free to air, our social media channels and podcasts reaching thousands of people on any device anywhere on these important and overlooked issues.
Our Host

Eva began her career a performer working around Australia and overseas when, in her early 20’s, she was seriously injured in a road accident. Sustaining severe brain injury, a month was spent in a coma. It took time and effort to learn to walk, talk and function again. A decade on, the approach to her late stage cancer, emphasised her understanding of recovery. Decades of ongoing rehabilitation together with tireless work in disability arts and advocacy led Eva to develop By Accident™.
Informed from her own life, desperate need was seen for those in a similar situation to hear from their peers. Certain knowledge is only possible when one has lived through it and, knowing this, By Accident™ supplies a space for strategic skills acquisition. A program of collaborative conversations leads to a sense of empathy and understanding that is remarkable. Documented measures show the benefit of these.
Using these experiences Eva now launches ‘A New You’, an online series marketed through television that gives opportunity for survivors and those living with neurological challenges to tell their story with treating professionals and organizations sharing how they help alongside.
With a network of leading industry professionals and advisors, Eva Sifis will steer the direction of the series with invaluable stories from those with lived experience and information from leading professionals,

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Conferences & Seminars
And much more …
Over 700,000 Australians have a brain injury
Resulting in limitation to activity which restricts their participation. Three in every four of these people are aged 65 or under with as many as two out of every three acquired their brain injury before the age of 25.
(Australian Bureau of Statistics)
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